Of Narwhalz & Dolphins: A Conversation With Brian Blomerth
The graphic novelist discusses his new book about John C. Lilly, the psychedelic research pioneer who injected dolphins w/LSD & invented the isolation tank
The graphic novelist discusses his new book about John C. Lilly, the psychedelic research pioneer who injected dolphins w/LSD & invented the isolation tank
The Brooklyn illustrator offers a 200pg highly informative, yet psychedelic as all get out, retelling of the discovery & first ever intentional ingestion of LSD
View this collection of fine art images on blotter paper made to commemorate the 75th anniversary of chemist, Albert Hofmann’s discovery of LSD & his legendary bike
In 1988, Garcia spoke of foundation of the Grateful Dead & their experiences with the acid tests. Watch this 5 1/2 minute excerpt produced by Blank On Blank & PBS
The final part of our in depth interview w/the Source Family archivist, addresses future projects & finding ones own voice in the midst of a much larger legacy
Part 3 of our in depth interview with Source Family archivist, Isis Aquarian, covers the physical vs the intangible, living inside & outside of time, and more
Part 2 of our in depth interview with Source Family archivist, Isis Aquarian, covers energy fields, the death of Father Yod, and re-assimilating to society
In part one of our in depth interview with Source Family archivist, Isis Aquarian we talk about the documentary, Jim Baker, Sky Saxon, and preserving a legacy
This month has proven to be a particularly great one for me as a Wesley
*original post created 12-11-08 for a sketchy website that breaches contracts and refuses to pay