(In Case It Wasn’t Obvious) Neil Young Does Not Support Donald Trump
Neil Young makes it clear that Donald Trump was not authorized to use “Rockin’ In The Free World” in his presidential candidacy announcement.
A young Young, clearly planning his corporate empire and plotting for world domination on the backs of the disenfranchised.
It’s safe to say that 2 of the last terms that we would ever use to describe Neil Young are “Right wing conservative” and “heartless corporate fatcat.” That’s why it was so surprising that super wealthy business tycoon, television personality, and all around worthless dipshit, Donald Trump, chose to use “Rockin’ In The Free World” as his entrance music, when he made his official announcement as a US presidential candidate/long-shot, earlier today (Tuesday, June 16, 2015) — he actually played it in it’s majority, while he rode down an escalator… seriously. It was also pretty clear that he chose to use Neil Young‘s work without the artist’s permission. But, in the off chance that anyone actually believed that Young would have ever approved of a megalomaniac, who stands for absolutely everything that the song is championing against, to use it for their political campaign, a press release was just recently sent to us to clarify. And the beauty of this press release is it’s simplicity; it’s definitely among the most straightforward and direct press releases that we have ever received.
Official Statement from Neil Young:
“Donald Trump was not authorized to use “Rockin’ In The Free World” in his presidential candidacy announcement. Neil Young, a Canadian citizen, is a supporter of Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America.”
So, in short, nice try Donny, but here’s hoping that you have a lawsuit on your hands. This is reminiscent of when, during the 2012 election, Mitt Romney‘s vice-presidential candidate, Paul Ryan, expressed his love for Rage Against The Machine, prompting the group’s guitarist, Tom Morello, to publicly reject Ryan, claiming that he’s part of the very machine that they were raging against. The main difference is that Ryan didn’t actually use their music without permission.
The worst part about this story is the reminder that Neil was born Canadian, because, if he was born in the states, we’d definitely be voting for him. Well… that and the fact that Trump has enough money to stay in the race for awhile and buying up airtime to support his pipe dream. With Hilary Clinton running, I’m sure that we can expect a healthy share of cringe-inducing misogyny.