David Welker – “Portals” @ Beinart Gallery [Melbourne]
The NYC-based artist excplores concepts of transformation and interdimensional passageways in his first ever international solo-exhibtion

Pen and ink on paper
Artwork size: 12″ x 9″
The bio on David Welker‘s website summarizes his work by stating that his, “illustration style mixes depression era surrealism with a contemporary take on underground comix, and his hand rendered lettering is an uncanny blend of 19th Century sign typography mixed with equal amounts of modern graffiti.” The New York artist has forged a uniquely identifiable aesthetic over his 40-year career, while maintaining range and flexibility within his style. Sometimes Welker presents a more colorful painterly approach experimenting with depth of focus. Other times, he sticks to tack-sharp intricate pen and ink drawings that fall somewhere between R. Crumb and Jim Woodring. Elements of both Escher and Dali can be found in his work, as he openly plays with perspective while utilizing elaborate intertwining elements and a classic illustrative style. One piece may distort or offer a cartoon-like take on realism, as if viewed through the lens of a DMT cloud, while another may present an environment completely of his own creation and not of this realm.
Welker‘s latest collection of work will be on display at Melbourne‘s Beinart Gallery beginning this Saturday, March 2nd. Titled Portals, this will mark David‘s first-ever international solo show. The following description is taken from the press release for the exhibition.
The concept of a transformational portal has been an enticing idea for David Welker since childhood. The idea of stepping through a secret passageway and emerging in another place or dimension is irresistible to him. Welker travels these imagined dimensions through his practice and, via his work, hopes to offer viewers a similar feeling of being transported.
The pieces in Portals are eclectic yet related. The paintings reflect Welker’s inward contemplation of an imagined “Neon City,” while the drawings mix Rococo landscapes with pop culture elements for a bizarre twist. The paintings, in particular, navigate a delicate balance between the literal and the non-literal. They are abstract in part yet distinctly pictorial, evoking a sense of place without demanding it. Technically, the drawings are dense and meticulously rendered, whereas the paintings are delicately layered and gradually developed over time.
This exhibition will run from March 3rd – March 24th and will coincide with Alex Garant’s Dreamweavers, Jennifer Allnutt’s The Flowers Of Evil and group exhibition Dark Art 2024.
Check out preview images for the exhibition below the following event details…
solo exhibition by David Welker
Saturday, March 2, 2024
6pm – 9pm
Beinart Gallery
1 Sparta Place | Brunswick | VIC | 3056
PHONE: +61 3 9939 3681
EMAIL: contact(at)beinart.org
Opening is FREE
Exhibition runs until March 24th
Gallery Hours: Thurs – Monday / 12pm to 6pm
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1488671531914094

Pen and ink on paper
Artwork size: 9″ x 12″

Acrylic on canvas
Painting size: 10″ x 10″

Graphite on paper
Artwork size: 10″ x 8″

Ink and alcohol dye on paper
Artwork size: 10″ x 8″

Pen and ink on paper
Artwork size: 12″ x 9″

Acrylic on canvas
Painting size: 10″ x 10″

Pen and ink on paper
Artwork size: 8″ x 8″

Acrylic on canvas
Painting size: 10″ x 10″

Graphite on paper
Artwork size: 9″ x 12″